Alex Negrini - Be Adventurer
Alex Negrini - Be Adventurer

Be Adventurer was born as a need that soon becomes passion and one day, perhaps, work. With Be adventurer I want to share the stories of my travel experiences trying to convey the true meaning and value behind it. The aim, therefore, is to leave an imprint inside the reader that leads him to reflect and travel with the mind. This blog, however, won’t be just tales. The goal is to convey curiosity and highlight the importance of travel as a means of growth. I would also like to provide useful advice for your next trips. Be Adventurer, therefore, is proposed as a guide and, no less important, a travel companion.

Medium member since January 2021
Connect with Alex Negrini - Be Adventurer
Alex Negrini - Be Adventurer

Alex Negrini - Be Adventurer

Welcome aboard! I’m Alex and with Be adventurer I share the importance of using travel as a means of growth. Follow me below 👇🏼🌏